Activities Hajdúszoboszlón
The world-famous thermal water several nice program waits for tourists visiting the famous beach and the largest aquapark in Central Europe in addition to.
Bioétel- and Wine Festival
One of the most successful events in the Hajdúszoboszlói Bioétel- and Wine Festival, It made from organic products where besides the specialties and high quality wines from wineries and folk concerts are available here!

Grillétel- and Beer Festival
The traditional and more special barbecue food lovers alike at the festival jóllakhatnak, next to the meat and vegetables and you will get a good pint of draft and bottled, Of course ice cold beer.

Hajdúszoboszlói Dixieland Days
Now it is traditionally held the first weekend of every August the music theme of the Hajdúszoboszlói Dixieland Days.
The open-air stage with such renowned orchestras occur among such, Molnár Dixieland Band and Lady Illényi, the Benko Dixieland Band, the Bohem Ragtime Band, a Police Big Band.