Attractions around Hajduszoboszlo
HAJDÚSZOBOSZLÓ – The world-famous thermal water several nice program waits for tourists visiting the famous beach and the largest aquapark in Central Europe in addition to. One of the most successful events in the Hajdúszoboszlói Bioétel- and Wine Festival, It made from organic products where besides the specialties and high quality wines from wineries and folk concerts are available here!
DEBRECEN – Easy walk to the Great Forest in Debrecen. An unforgettable experience for the monumental Debrecen, It built in neoclassical style building and park in front with a wonderful French. Going along University Avenue to get to the beautifully renovated Kossuth Square, where it is worth visiting one of the city's emblematic buildings of the Great Temple.

Located in the city center back to over a century of Deri Museum, which is rich in archeological, Local history, art, cultural, ethnographic collection of, historical relics of the Hungarian nation a priceless treasure.
A CARNIVAL FLOWERS Debrecen's most popular tourist event. Its roots date back to the 1910s, when the town's main street spectacular floral parade attracted visitors. 1966 Since each year will be held on August 20,. The flower-decked domestic and foreign cars parade along the city's main street, The Market Street, They will reach the Great Forest Stadium.
HORTOBÁGY – The tourists visiting this region can be an extraordinary experience hortobágyi selected part of the World Heritage wilderness. Recommended for indigenous animals and their habitats, guests wishing to make friends with the peculiarities of life in the desert.